Where Can I Get Letter Jackets Patches Put on Near Me

Опубликовано - 2 года назад | По предмету Английский язык | автор fsbvr

Упр.1.ane.ane.e. Поставьте a/an, the , где необходимо.
ane. I turned off ___ calorie-free, opened ____ door and went out.
2. Excuse me, can I ask ____ question, please?
3. Alan is ____ best histrion in our football team.
iv. How far is it from here to ____ airport?
5. Enjoy your holiday and don't forget to transport me ____ postcard!
half-dozen. Accept yous got ____ ticket for ____ concert tomorrow night?
7. Yesterday I bought ____ jacket and ____ shirt.____ jacket was cheap simply ____ shirt was expensive.
8. What is ____ name of ____ director of ____ film we saw ____ concluding nighttime?
9. "Where are _____ children?" "They're in ____ garden."
x. My sister'south _____ instructor in ____ school near Leicester. She has three children, 2 girls and ____ boy. ____ girls are in her class at schoolhouse, just ____ male child isn't old enough for school yet.
This is a rather crud criterion of ___ purity.
12.The technique of ___ paper chromatography was cited to a higher place.
xiii)The temperature of ___ a solution should be controlled within one-half a degree or and so.
14)Improver of,say, ___ element of group vii molecule to benzene leads to a dihydrobenzene derivative.
15)The hypothesis of ___ intermediate chemical compound germination traces its origin every bit back as 1808.


Source: https://znanija.site/angliiskii-yazyk/3743123.html

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